Can Ince

Professor Can Ince is a physiologist and since 2019 heads the Laboratory of Translational Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Intensive Care (head Prof Gommers) of the  Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam. He is a Professor in Clinical Physiology “Cardiovascular aspects of peri-operative and intensive care medicine” . Previously he headed the Department of Translational Physiology at the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam and previous to that he was Prof of Cell Physiology and Prof of Experimental Anesthesiology. He has trained as an Electrical and Electronic Engineer (BSc Univ Birmingham UK, MSc Tech Univ Delft Netherlands) and in Immunology (Leiden University Hospital PhD). The mission of his group is to accomplish bench-to-bedside translation of insights into pathophysiology, novel treatment modalities, concepts, and the development of innovative diagnostic techniques relevant to critical care and perioperative medicine (sepsis, shock resuscitation) and focused on mechanisms related to clinical microcirculation and oxygen transport to tissue. He is Chief Scientific Officer of a company called Active Medical BV which produces microcirculatory imaging devices (OxyCam) and software (MicroTools).  He has authored over 650 SCI papers and has an H-Index of 88 He holds 8 patents to his name the last two of which relate to the use of AI to categorize states of disease based on microcirculation images. He is considered a world expert in sepsis (in the top 0.026 % in the world, ranking number 41; ).