Dr. Mishra is a staunch academician and an inspiring focused leader in the field of Critical Care medicine in India & SAARC Nations. He is a one of the pioneers and a strong proponent of closed ICU system and comprehensive care medicine. He is a strong promoter of providing cost effective management to critically ill patients.Tele-medicine is future and Dr Mishra is compassionate about tele-medicine and tele-ICU. He is facilitator of tele-icu services globally. His core areas of expertise are early diagnosis in complicated medical & surgical cases, timely interventions and preventing secondary complications. As an academician, Dr. Mishra is up to date with latest research and advocates practicing evidence-based medicine as a top priority. Antibiotic stewardship, bundles of care and ICU checklist is followed as a ritual, wherever he is involved in patient management. He has expanded his horizons by providing his expertise through Tele-consultation and managing e-ICUs at multiple locations across the globe.
Dr. Mishra is an active member of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM) for over 15 years. After serving the society for last 10 years in different capacities in the committee, he has served the ISCCM as the President & Chancellor from February 2022 to February 2023. Dr. Mishra was the Organising Secretary of CritiCare- 2020 Hyderabad Conference, a signature event of ISCCM. He is also the Scientific Committee Chairman for CritiCare-2022, to be held at Ahmedabad. Dr Mishra has organised Euro-asia 2023 at delhi one of the most successful Euro-asia as ESICM. After this congress ESICM has decided to co-host the Euro-asia in India with ISCCM for next three years.
Dr Mishra has concluded his term as president by organising the most successful CRITICARE-23 at Indore. The congress is rated 9.8 /10 by 2000 plus delegates and 400 plus faculties from 25 countries. Around 90 industry participated and they rated this congress best ever CRITICARE in India which was 29th one and rating was 10/10.
Dr. Mishra also heads the Critical Care Society, a charitable registered trust which helps in organising educational programs, public awareness, educating underprivileged girls, and offering free treatment to poor patients. He has organised ten congress by the name of GCC in a row from 2009 to 2018.( www.gujaratcriticalcare.com.
Dr Mishra is active member of SCCM (127972) since 2010 and is Select member now. He got FCCM in year 2015. He is abstract accessor for SCCM Congress. He has contributed extensively as FCCS instructor in India from year 2013 onwards under the leadership of Dr Narendra Rungata to spread this basic course to wide and far in INDIA. He has volunteered to coordinate free paper presentation in SCCM congress in 2023.He is also contributing actively in two current SCCM committee ( tele network committee and adult current concept committee ).
He has been working very closely with ESICM – Organised best ever Euro-asia 22 at Delhi, got invite as faculty for paris ESICM-22 and also represents India in ESICM Council as country representative.
Since last couple of years (2020) onwards Dr Mishra is working with world federation (WFSICM) in organising webinars, writing book chapters and arranging workshops.
Researcher, Innovator, Educator, Organiser, Orator & Includer are the words which define him as a leader. As a team player , he provides equal and varied opportunities to grow along with, to all the stakeholders.
He is skilled to organize great congress and workshops . He had organised ten GCC in a row from ( 2009 -2018) with included workshops and congress single handedly . This has helped in bringing the concept of critical care in Gujarat and also helped to build up closed ICU concept. (www. gujaratcriticare.com)
He brought the concept of (RRT+ECMO) COMBINING in one workshop and making it most popular workshop since 2018. He is editor- in- chief of RRT ECMO hand book for the workshop which is in 2nd editions.
He is Editor for CRITICAL CARE UPDATE BOOK 2022 & 2023.
He is editor for Obstetric Critical care update book 2023, 21 common diagnosis in ICU, and tropical disease update book by ISCCM .
He has started two new online certificate course in ISCCM – ( RRT & ECMO) & OBSTETRIC CRITICAL CARE . Both the courses are of 6 months.